
Friday, July 9, 2010


I'm sorry for the delay in posting. I had problems with my eye this morning, burning, throbbing and watering to the point I could barely see to drive to the eye doctor. So, I had a foreign object in my eye that scratched the pupil of my eye. Lovely feeling! So, I've just returned from the eye doctor and I will post the winner of the final Caribbean giveaway in a little bit.

Hope everyone has a fabulous day! I'll return shortly....

Sorry it took me so long to return. Been a long day and I'm about to head to bed, but I wanted to announce the winner before heading off to erotic dreamland. =D

Like always I plugged everyone's names into and let it do the shuffling and picking. And the winner is.....


Congratulations, Rie! I have your e-mail address, so I'll send you an e-mail to get your mailing address.

Thanks to everyone for reading and commenting each week oo my virtual vacation. Now, I gotta think of something to blog about next week. LOL


  1. Hope you feel better soon. I know how painful that can be. Hugs!

  2. (((HUGS))) I know how painful that is! Hope your vision is okay!

  3. Awww...thanks you two! *huggles you both back* drew a winner and it picked Rie McGaha. But, both of you have already won. I've been neglectful and haven't sent your goodies yet. I'm terribly sorry! I plan to mail everything next week and I'll drop you both an e-mail when I mail out the care packages.
