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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wistful Wednesday


So how's your holiday season going so far? As you can probably tell from the title of this post, mine has been plagued by sickness. For me, it started shortly after Thanksgiving when I was already feeling weakened by the news that my aunt had died two days before. I am still trying to recover from it.

I have to say that the last time I felt that sick, I ended up in the hospital - it was when they finally discovered that I had Multiple Sclerosis. Thankfully, I didn't have to go to the hospital this time, but there were several instances when I feared that I would have to. I will spare you the details, but suffice it to say that it was the worst feeling I have experienced in a long time. Now, it appears that my daughter has it and my sister, whom I didn't even see before or while I was sick - obviously, this is something that's going around now and not just MS-related, as I'd first feared.

So, though I wish I could give you an interesting post today, I will leave you with this advice: Take care of yourself. Make sure you bundle up when you go outside, drink plenty of fluids, and if you feel sick, stay in bed. No sense trying to push through it - it's not one of those things you can push through or ignore. You just have to deal with it and let it run its course.

Stay healthy!

4 Moonbeams (comments):

Molly Daniels said...

Daughter's doing that right now. She's caught a nasty virus which makes her hurt from head to toe. and the dr told her to get plenty of rest. She can go back to school tomorrow.

((((HUGS)))) sweetie:)

Carrie said...

Okay, I have to ask, have you guys had your flu shots?

I ask because I got one once and refuse to get one again. I was so sick the winter I got a flu shot, and I almost never get the flu, but I kept getting it.

Molly - I'd keep her home the rest of the week if you can, to make sure she gets rid of the bug. They're getting nastier and nastier and last longer.

Just curious if the flu shot might be the reason.

Molly Daniels said...

If school began at 10am, this child would be on time every morning. And get this: Tuesday, I dragged her out of bed to the dr's and she says. 'the longer I'm up, the better I feel!' DUH....

But she got up with no problems this morning and didn't complain about any pain yesterday.

Maybe I need to threaten her with a flu shot?

Carrie said...

I'd say no. If you threaten her, then you just might have to go through with it, lol!