Everyone NaNo!
As I write this, I am knee-deep in the wonderful world of NaNoWriMo. I'm sure by now, everyone knows what that is. If you don't, it's when a bunch of creative, wildly optimistic, slightly-off-their-rockers writers decide to write - along with millions of their writer buddies - 50,000 words in one month. Can it be done? Sure it can. Is it crazy? Of course it is! But so are so many other aspects of this wonderful, wild world we call writing, so it's all good. But why would anyone want to put themselves through that craziness, you might wonder. Well, I'm sure there are as many reasons as there are writers accepting the challenge, but I think, basically, it's the kick in the pants a lot of writers need to get themselves going. Plus, you get pep talks and support from an amazing community of friends and what more could a writer ask for?
Have you ever considered doing the NaNo thing, but were too afraid to start? Me, too, back in the day. But some crazy notion inspired me to try and I've been doing it every year since. Sometimes I have moderate success, sometimes I have great success, other times...not so much. But it doesn't matter if you complete the 50,000 words in the designated time or not. It's more important that you START. Once you start getting those words down on paper, you are well on your way to completing a manuscript. So don't let the time constraints scare you. Just use it as an incentive to get yourself to write. And if you write a little every day, you're already a winner.
So let's NaNo! Incidentally, if you are in the NaNo community, my name there is peefie23. If you ask me real nice, I might tell you how I came up with that nickname (wink)!
Margay Leah Justice
Sloane Wolf, available now from MuseItUp Publishing.
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