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Friday, September 18, 2009

Another E-Publisher Out of Business

Like so many e-authors out there, I too have become a victim of my e-publisher closing its doors. Thankfully, she relinquished rights back to us and didn’t file bankruptcy leaving us all fighting for our rights. For that I am hugely thankful. My publishing house stated personal reasons for shutting the doors, but I have to admit, I wasn't at all surprised by the outcome. But it got me to thinking...What is the reason behind all the e-publishers shutting their doors, when other e-publishers starting up seem to thrive? What makes one e-publisher different than the next? Does it come down to simple business management and the quality of e-books published? What do you think?

Now, the process of figuring out what to do with my current, now unpublished e-book, The Devil's Den? It's received awesome reviews, all of which are posted on my website. ( Do I publish it myself on one of the self-publishing sites? Or do I try to find another publishing house? Or just ditch the book completely, with the lessons learned motto?

After working with my editor (up to chapter six on Elfin Blood) at Noble Romance Publishing, I’m inclined to believe my book, The Devil’s Den, needs a lot of work. The Devil's Den certainly didn't receive this type of editorial detail. Whatever I do, I’ll have to commit some hard edits to it beforehand, which is almost suffocating to think about, especially when I’m neck deep in current edits, have another book submitted, am writing on two other books and am behind on my paralegal work, with a brief due in a month. GAH!

But there’s hope, Supernatural is back on Thursday nights, Sons of Anarchy started back two Tuesdays ago, and NCIS starts this coming Tuesday. Woot! :D

Have an awesome weekend everyone and if you’re in my area, figure out how to stay dry!

11 Moonbeams (comments):

Molly Daniels said...

Sorry to hear about that sweetie, but at least she didn't leave you hanging!

So....I've got some Firedrakes books on my TBB list. Wonder if they're on Fictionwise or All Romance Books?

Sheila Deeth said...

That's sad news, and I wonder how some thrive and some fail too. Still, glad you've got the rights.

Gracen Miller said...

I agree, thankfully she did leave us with our rights! She really could have messed us up had she gone bankrupt.

Molly, Firedrakes just made the announcement Wednesday and posted the notice on the Firedrakes website, so you might want to contact the authors personally. Some were discussing finding other publishing houses and some mentioned self-publishing.

Molly Daniels said...

Okay, thanks Gracen:)

Hahaha...WV is 'baffling'! Snort!

Carrie said...

Hey Gracen,

I think maybe you have your answer in your experience.

Think about it. You said that after having gone through the process at Noble, you realize that DD needs more work.

So, that could very well be why the publishing house had to close it's doors. Readers aren't stupid like some people like to believe. They can tell the difference between bad story telling and bad editing.

From the reader's pov, if I purchase one story that seems to have a good story, but bad editing, I might try another story to see if it might be the same. However, if I get two stories in a row that seem to have bad editing, then I am less likely to return to that publisher.

The fact that Noble is taking such time to make you have a higher quality product says an awful lot about them.

Here's what I think you should do. Clean up the book, even if it is rough, and offer it as a freebie, or even a contest freebie. Just get your voice out there. If people can read your first book for free, then they'll get idea about your voice and whether or not other stories are for you.

If freebie isn't the way you want to go, talk to Noble and see if they would want to publish it. It can't hurt. If they don't want to print it, ask them why and do not be afraid of the answer.

Margay Leah Justice said...

Gracen, I agree with Carrie but with one exception: I'd wait. Do the other edits on the books you have coming out first, then take a closer look at The Devil's Den. With all the experience with editing you're receiving from Noble, you should be able to tell whether or not you want to take on the task of doing the same for The Devil's Den. I don't think you should chuck it, especially if you've already received good responses from it in its current form. And you could always have some beta testers read it for you and get their take on it, too. But most important, put it away for a little bit when you can look at it with a clear mind and not with the bad feelings/disappoint you must be feeling at the publisher closing.

Carrie said...

Oooh, good point Margay!

I wasn't necessarily saying that you would or should do any of this right away, but whatever you do, don't give up on it. It could be that, "diamond in the rough." You just never know.

Oh and I see I left out some words in my tired haste earlier. Here's what you see, "then they'll get idea about your voice and whether or not other stories are for you."

But what I meant to type was, "...whether or not your other stories are for them."

That makes a bit more sense now!

Gracen Miller said...

lol Thanks Margay and Carrie. I wish I could say I was surprised by the closing, but I'm not.

No, I'm not going to ditch the book, but with the edits I have going now and I'm in the middle of a legal brief as well, which is very time consuming and has a deadline, it'll be later this year before I can get to The Devil's Den. It'll give me time to decide which direction to go in.

I agree, it does show that Noble expects a higher quality out of their books and as an author that delights me. I read a couple of books from Noble before I subbed to them and was impressed with those I'd read.

Tierney O'Malley said...

Hi Gracen,

When I heard about Firedrakes, I thought about you and Sarah. So sorry. About Devil's Den, I wouldn't give up on it. Like Carrie said, approach Noble. Why not? :D


Gracen Miller said...

Thanks, Tierney. I don't mind being told "no". I've had enough rejection that I've learned to let it roll off, so approaching Noble isn't all that scary, but I do feel the need to take the editorial skills I'm learning and put them to use on The Devil's Den before I approach anyone with it. My hopes is that by doing that, I'll make it a stronger book and more appealing to Noble or whoever I decide to sub it to. Just my thoughts and opinions, though, because I could be way off on my thinking. lol Wouldn't be the first time I was off. ;-)

I wondered how Sarah was taking it too, but I haven't talked to her, so don't have any idea what she's thinking or feeling.

Thanks again everyone for your comments.


Anonymous said...

To answer your question about "why some publishers close" when it came to Firedrake's, my first thought was "Fire-who?" Indeed, I've been buying e-books for years and have never even heard of this publisher. So perhaps it's not only the quality of the books provided, the company management, etc., but also the fact that some companies who have been in business for years still have very little market share and have done almost zero promotion. I know a lot of publishers have stopped contracting previously published stories, so I hope you can find a home for your novel soon.