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We Are Young - Fun

Friday, April 16, 2010


Happy Anniversary To Us!!!

I'm tickled pink that one year ago I posted my first blog here at Moonlight, Lace & Mayhem. We're all a year older, a year wiser, and we've met lots of new internet friends.

In a year, we've introduced you to a lot of newcomers and some established authors as well. MLM has changed a lot in a year, also. We have an established YA room, and we've just recently opened Reaper's Door and Station Portal. And we have almost 100 followers! Hopefully, we'll keep growing and keep bringing you great authors.

So, in honor of our anniversary week, I'm giving away a Pink Third Rail Criss-cross Guitar Necklace pictured below. If you're interested in winning this necklace, leave me a comment. I'll draw a winner late tonight! Good luck to all entrants!

6 Moonbeams (comments):

The Scarf Princess said...

I truly enjoy the blog and look forward to my daily visits. The variety of authors and their works keeps things very entertaining. The topics that you talk with visiting authors about are very unique and are ones that I too want answers to. Keep up the stupendous work!

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

Sheila Deeth said...

What a cool necklace! And what a cool anniversary too (and a cool blog). Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

enter me pleasseeeee

im glad i found your blog!


if i cant get a book , jewelry is next best thing :)))))

Angela said...

Happy Anniversary MLM and Gracen!


Gracen Miller said...

Good morning, ladies! Thanks for joining us on our anniversary week!

I plugged in all 4 names into and allowed it to pick the winner...and the winner is...


Congratulations, Angela! If you'll e-mail me your address at, I'll send you the guitar necklace!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! And I hope your weather is as beautiful as mine is!


Carrie said...

Congratulations Angela!