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Friday, September 25, 2009

Men may be from Mars, but Edits are from Hell!!!

Edits...Edits...*bangs head against the computer*...Edits...Edits...

*throws a fit, cursing and ranting, kicking pillows*

Edits is a five letter curse word! Grrr…I’ve been rocking along pretty good, working through the edits and I’m proud of what we’re accomplishing. Thursday night comes and—WHAM—I come up against a fortified concrete wall. You did realize I said “fortified”, right? There’s got to be steel—no, titanium or the U.S. military—inside that concrete because there ain’t nothing getting through it! So, yeah, fortified! And, yeah, I know that’s not proper English and I don’t care!

*sighs dramatically and counts to ten slowly*


Well, that didn't make me feel any better or calmer. *blows hair out of my face* For the most part, I’ve enjoyed the editng process. Maybe that’s crazy, but I’m the oddball in my family, so I’m comfortable being there. But edits have been a fun learning process. Working with an editor is the best thing that’s happened to my writing and that excites me.

Then Thursday night rolls around and that blinking cursor mocks me. *whimpers* I’d rather be tormented by my muse than have nothing. Have I worked him—yes, my muse is a male—too hard? Do I need to reboot him by giving him a mental vacation? But I have a deadline! Well, maybe not a deadline, but something similar because I’ve been given a release date of November 9th. Now, I know we can make it because I work best when I’m in a crunch. I can probably thank my paralegal years for that.

So, my plan…I’ll clean house first thing this morning and then *glares at my muse and screams* we’re freaking editing! If that doesn’t work, my muse and I are going to have a ‘coming to Jesus meeting’ as us Southerners call it or I’ll give him a good ole’ fashion butt whoopin’! lol

Muse, you have been forewarned! *giggles evilly and taps a whip against my palm* :D

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

~~All photos taken from photobucket, no copyright infringement intended.~~

5 Moonbeams (comments):

Molly Daniels said...

Gracen love, see my post at! I throw temper tantrums too:)

Gracen Miller said...

Haha...I left you a comment at Kenzie Michaels' blogspot! lol

Sheila Deeth said...

And what was I doing last night? Edits!!!! No wonder my head's aching today. Must be all those times it hit the desk.

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
I loved this post & the pictures.
Thanks for sharing.
I am one of those strange writers who love editing. I just love tightening the sentence and whittling away the dead words.
All the best,

Carrie said...

Yes, I love edits too.

Although, I've never really been in the position you guys are in right now.

Well, I have written pieces for class, but when it came time to edits, I never really got much feedback from people other than the professor, unless you count the poetry classes.

I think the main reason is that I am a conceptual thinker. I almost never sit down and type anything out unless I know what's going on. The only way the words will flow for me is if I have a clear organization of the "facts" as they pertain to the characters. It also depends upon how much the characters are willing to tell me and if I have any books that need reading! lol...

Maybe it's all those nuns and strict lay-teachers I had in grade school growing up.....maybe I'm just too much of a perfectionist... who knows!