Rebecca Savage !!!
Video of the Day
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Twilight Thursday
Rebecca Savage !!!
Whispered by Carrie at 6:17 PM 9 Moonbeams (comments)
Craters: Guard My Body., Rebecca Savage
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wistful Wednesday
Whispered by Margay Leah Justice at 9:37 AM 2 Moonbeams (comments)
Craters: inspiration, Margay Leah Justice, motivation, Passion, writing
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tantalizing Tuesday
Kat Martin !!!
Whispered by Carrie at 5:16 PM 3 Moonbeams (comments)
Craters: Kat Martin, Reese's Bride, Royal's Bride, Rule's Bride, The Christmas Clock
Monday, April 26, 2010
Mystic Monday
Whispered by Carrie at 6:04 PM 0 Moonbeams (comments)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Please welcome author Nancy Wythe into the moonlight this Supernatural Sunday. Nancy’s newest release is Nostos the Homecoming. To learn more, keep reading!
GRACEN: Speaking of taxes, are you’re taxes finished, or do you procrastinate with them? Do you do them yourself or do you have a taxman do them for you?
NANCY: Hi, and thanks for having me! Taxes? I am the best procrastinator in the world, so I’ve got a kind tax-person who takes care of all that for me.
NANCY: My husband’s the one with the green thumb, and he’s already planted fuchsias, irises, freesias and a wonderful citrus plant called citronella that has aromatic leaves. I always put a few leaves in my purse. Good as a breath freshener, too!
GRACEN: Do you plant your own garden? Why or why not and where is it (are they) located? What type(s) will it (they) be and where is it (are they) located on your property?
NANCY: We have jasmines and roses under our bedroom window, mint, parsley and basil outside the kitchen door, along with agapanthus and pithosphorous that blossoms in April and smells like orange and lemon blossoms.
GRACEN: Do you prefer plants or seeds? Does it matter where you get them, or do you have a favorite place to go? What’s the name of the place and why do you prefer there over other places?
NANCY: I like results pretty quick, so I prefer plants that are already beautiful and colorful. I brought back some red hot pokers from Marks and Spencer’s in Ireland for my husband who loooves perennials.
GRACEN: What will you plant (or have already planted) this year and why?
NANCY: He’s got Lily of the Valley and geraniums scattered all over the place plus delphiniums ready to go.
GRACEN: Do you have any plants that are must haves for your garden, ones that it just won’t be complete without?
NANCY: Absolutely. Jasmine flowers- my favorite!
GRACEN: Now, let’s get to your writing, Nancy…What is your main genre (erotica, erotic romance, romantic suspense, etc.)? What was the draw for you?
NANCY: My fave genre is romantic suspense. I love to read and wonder how those two are ever going to get together in the end!
GRACEN: Besides your main genre we just discussed, what elements do you prefer to use in a story and why those elements over others?
NANCY: I think suspense and uncertainty are the essence of romance. Think how boring a book would be if there were never any problems! If it were always ‘yes, dear’ and ‘no, dear’!
GRACEN: Do you prefer red roses or black roses? If so, does that show in your writing? If so, how? If roses aren’t your style, what flowers are? Do they influence your writing? If so, how?
NANCY: Only Sicilian plants influence my style because most of my stories are set on this magnificent island where I live and I can always smell the different fragrances that are omnipresent in my stories. Each fragrance or flower corresponds to a different mood or moment.
GRACEN: The jury’s still out on this question, so we’re still asking it! - Who decides what you write about, you or your muse? What kind of influence do you have over your story, or is the muse always the one planting the seeds? How do you cultivate those seeds regardless of who plants them?
NANCY: My hero/ine dictates the story- They boss me around and tell me what’s happening. I have absolutely no control over what they’re going to do. But I get the last laugh- do they live…or die?
GRACEN: In your opinion, what author had the most influence on your writing? What about their writing did you find so influential and why?
NANCY: I like lots of authors, like Sidney Sheldon, but having a Uni degree in English Literature, I also love the oldies like J.M Synge and his Riders to the Sea, a magnificent play. I love T.S Eliot, David Lodge (not so old!) and James Joyce who’s an absolute genius!
GRACEN: While authors can definitely influence us, inspiration can be everywhere for a writer, but specific people, places and events can inspire certain characters, personality traits or things that happen in our stories. In your current story that we’re promoting here today, NOSTOS- THE HOMECOMING, did any one particular person, place or event inspire you? If so who/what was it (were they), how did it/they inspire you and how is this inspiration reflected in your story?
NANCY: My husband inspired me for the British hero. I made him just a touch more arrogant and bingo- the irresistible hero! Also, in Nostos, I loved the heroine’s sense of disdain for Aidan, but I also enjoyed seeing her fight against her attraction to him. She has strong moral principles and succumbing to her passion and the ‘other’ woman inside her took a lot of courage.
GRACEN: Without giving away anything pertinent to the story, tell us about the hero and heroine (s) of your story. What do they look like? How do they meet (or “did” if this is a second book with these same characters)? What are their personalities – Are they comical cut-ups, are they serious or are they a mix of the two? Please give us a little bit of dialogue from the story that can illustrate this. (Not much, but just a few lines and from a different section than the main excerpt – Thanks!)
NANCY: Sure, I’d love to! Aidan Hartland is a noble Englishman who collects art. He is dashing, tall, handsome and unbearably arrogant. He knows she is destined to be his, and finds her resistance amusing and endearing. Any woman would love to be mocked by him, I think!
My heroine is an FBI agent with the task of unmasking him for his violent murders. Everything inside her tells her to cuff him up and take him in, but the other woman inside her tells her to let go and give in to her instincts which she has always repressed.
GRACEN: The main characters are usually great, but sometimes, secondary and tertiary characters are known to steal the scenes. Who are the secondary/tertiary characters in your story and what do they look like? What’s unique about them? What is their relationship to the hero/heroine? Have any of these gone on to become scene-stealers? If so, who and how did they do it? (Again, please give us a small bit of dialogue to illustrate this – thanks!)
NANCY: The other characters are secondary but I have purposely kept them that way to surprise my readers in my sequel to Nostos. I’m taking notes and waking up in the middle of the night so I can jot down snatches of conversation, expressions, etc. I can’t wait!
GRACEN: Please send us pictures whenever possible of the favorite flowers you’ve planted, favorite fruits/vegetables you’ve grown, or maybe even a pic of your local farmer’s market as well as an image of yourself and your current release (or a couple if it’s part of a series and they are out and about to be had right now). Thanks!
NANCY: Thank You for having me! Here is a picture of myself and my covers so far. I’d love to hear from you! Please write me at !
Happy reading!


Scotland Yard Detective Sergeant Stephen Archer stood over her, stomping his feet trying to calm the cold. It was a damp, grey early December morning and the sun had seemed to give up its ascent, hanging mid-sky in a pale semblance of its better days.
“Christ, what an animal,” she muttered under her breath.
“Oh, it was no animal, Agent Wainright. Those teeth marks are human.”
Another similarity. A copycat? She looked up and saw her colleague’s pale face as he stared at her. He quickly averted his eyes.
“You alright, Archer?”
“No, Madam, I knew Sarah Jennings,” he answered, stealing another indecipherable glance at her. “She was Lord Westlake’s companion.”
“The owner of this place, right?”
“Yes. He found the body.”
She leafed through the report. “How come there’s no picture of the victim?”
He studied his frozen feet. “Oh, isn’t there?”
She stood up to sniff the air. She could smell more rain coming. At the top of the hill, wrapped in a blanket of white fog, stood Westlake Manor, a dark, turreted three-storey stone building. In the north behind the building, an ancient forest so deep into the valley she could only distinguish the treetops waving from above the towers. To the east was a cluster of lakes. It was all magnificent, but the place gave her the creeps. She always boasted of having nerves of steel, at least until Richard had left her.
She lifted the collar of her anorak against the cold and turned her head to the faint sound of dogs barking in the distance. Robyn involuntarily stiffened; she was more of a cat person.
“Where is Mr. Hartland-Westlake now?” Robyn asked Archer.
“Lord Westlake,” he corrected, nodding towards the horizon.
As they watched, four enormous Great Danes leapt over the hill followed by their master. Tall and erect, he held their leashes with each hand as if driving a chariot. The man looked majestic, his black wavy hair whipping against his forehead, his powerful arms easily keeping the animals at bay as they plodded downhill in their direction.
“He comes from a very old family and very old money, but he made his personal fortune as an antique art critic. He’s a bit odd, though.” Archer whispered.
“He wasn’t perturbed in the least when he reported her death. They say he has,” he paused, “paranormal powers.”
“I don’t believe in that kind of crap,” she huffed, and then groaned. “What kind?”
“He’s said to be able to read people’s minds.”
Yeah, right! She didn’t believe it one bit.
“…nor was he much help when we questioned him. Some think he did it.”
“If you have evidence why don’t you arrest him?” Robyn asked.
“That’s the thing, without a shred of proof no one dares accuse him. He’s extremely influential, with friends in Parliament and all. But he’s known to roam the countryside at night with his Great Danes. God knows what for.”
Lord Westlake stopped before them, staring at her with puzzled slate grey eyes.
She stared back. Was it the FBI’s presence he didn’t appreciate? Or was he expecting a male agent? Either way it was his problem.
She stared him down, or tried to. An uneasy feeling of familiarity set in on her, so disturbingly strong she was positive she had met him before. But where?
After a moment, a grin split his overwhelmingly handsome and arrogant face.
Great, she thought grimly. Just what I need, another jerk. Look at him; he’s got an ego the size of a cathedral.
“I heard that,” he said without taking his eyes off her and she blinked, thinking for a moment that he was referring to her thoughts. His British accent was crisp and although he pronounced each word clearly, to Robyn it seemed like a different language.
Archer stared back and forth between them, obviously ill at ease, and she knew he hadn’t told her everything.
“Perhaps you should be a bit brighter as to understand that even whispers carry in the breeze. No wonder you people haven’t caught it yet.”
She raised her eyebrows at him, unsure whether his tone was directed to her. Robyn was about to give him a piece of her mind when Archer stiffened. “My apologies, Lord Westlake. This is Special Agent Robyn Wainright from The United States.”
Their eyes met again and she stood her ground under his scrutiny although he made her extremely uncomfortable. He was arrogant and breathtakingly masculine, with dark olive skin. His eyes were magnetic, glimmering. She could see a hint of a five o’clock shadow. Damn, she hated gorgeous men! And this one took the cake. His deep, gravelly voice sent a tingling sensation zapping down her spine. Too bad he was a suspect. She pulled her anorak closer and stared back. He regarded her with an arrogant knowing smile, as if they had just put their clothes back on.
Ah, she was still so beautiful. The past millennium had not marred her youth. Her luxuriant red mane was pulled back into a ponytail, and dark trousers did not hide the hips he knew so well. Her fiery emerald eyes were assessing him in turn through the long lashes he had so often kissed. And now she was hurting for another man who had left her because she couldn’t have children. Mortals knew nothing about true everlasting love. But he would bring her back to him, even if it took him another thousand years.
Buy Link:
Whispered by Gracen Miller at 12:00 AM 0 Moonbeams (comments)
Craters: Nancy Barone Wythe, Nostos The Homecoming, Sicilian Lovers Series
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wow! It's Friday already, huh? I wish I had something witty prepared for today, but I don't. My life has been turned upside down this week. My father-in-law is terribly sick and they can't figure out what's wrong with him. And if that wasn't enough, my little brother--very little, he turns 18 next month--overdosed and nearly died. He's fine now, out of ICU and they placed him in a Rehab Clinic today. My 8 and 12 year old boys were stunned that the young man they look up to and adore would do something so foolish. That's two of their heroes to disappoint them this year.
I did receive an awesome review of my book, Elfin Blood, this week. Thanks to the reviewer, Violet Harper, for the awesome review and the comment, "I strongly advise readers to carve out several uninterrupted hours before sitting down with Elfin Blood because this story is impossible to put down." For the full review, click on the book title above or here.
So, I'm sorry for having nothing today. But if you want to read something fun and thought-provoking, visit yesterday's blog with Angela Nichelle and the 5 Things you Shouldn't Say to a Romance Writer. That is worth reading!
Now, I really need to figure out a witty topic, write it up and send it off for an upcoming guest blog next week! Nearly impossible since I'm brain-dead!! Grr...
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Emotionally drained and physically exhausted.
Whispered by Gracen Miller at 1:58 PM 2 Moonbeams (comments)
Craters: Elfin Blood, Gracen Miller, Noble Romance Publishing
Thursday, April 22, 2010
5. "Why don't you write something with more substance like..."
Have you ever been asked this as a romance writer? Well, I have and although I know this family member loves me dearly, they clearly don't understand how wild that question is. As a writer, you fall into the genres that inspire and move you to tell stories. It's that simple.
4. "You must have an amazing sex life!"
It's quite good, thank you, but jeez! Writing romance doesn't mean you're some kind of nympho-manic... well, not usually.
3. "I know those sex scenes are based off your own experiences!"
Maybe . . . maybe not. Romance writing is all about the fantasy encounter, lover, scenario, etc! Most of us aren't writing play by play scenes in our bedrooms because let's face it- real-life sex isn't perfect and magical every single time. Ok, I know there are exceptions to everything. If you're experiencing perfect magical sex every single time with your partner, please email me!
2. "Don't put me in one of your books."
*g* This one usually gets the wheels turning in my head immediately. Ah, yes, I know just what story to pen about you! (You know who you are!) Seriously, I'm just kidding.
1. "Oh, you write those books."
Yes, I do. The one's with the hawt covers of half-naked men and half-dressed females. Romance novels have been around for a long time and even though the market may shift with social trends there will always be readers and writers like me!
~ Angela Nichelle

Never Before Seen Excerpt from Cupid's Arrow:
"There's something I have to tell you, Safina." Kal's eyes seemed to glitter like black diamonds in the darkened room.
Waving her hands, Safina shook her head. "No, no . . . I don't wanna know."
Kallias slowly took off his suit jacket. "It's not what you think."
"I don't know what to think." Her fingers were freezing. "What are you doing?" Safina asked as Kallias began unbuttoning his shirt. Momentarily distracted by smooth chocolate abs, she gasped in complete shock when incredibly huge ivory wings unfurled from behind Kallias's back. The glossy wings stretched to the ceiling, flexing as long as the small room behind him. Goosebumps covered Safina's arms as she stared at Kal. He was easily the most magnificent thing she had ever seen . . . and the scariest.
"I won't hurt you," Kallias said, remaining still.
She sensed he wouldn't hurt her even if she didn't understand anything else. "This is crazy! What are you?" She couldn't take her eyes off him. Her mind was racing with a million different thoughts. He was beautiful and he wasn't human.
"I'm an erote." Kallias took one step toward her, holding up his hands when Safina pressed farther away.
"What does that mean?" Safina asked, transfixed by the striking contrast of the ivory feathers against his mahogany skin. She rested her bottom on the tiny windowsill as Kallias studied her.
"Come with me and I'll explain everything." He took another step toward her and offered his hand.
Safina hesitated. She wanted to reach for him . . . wanted to feel the energy between them that made everything seem okay.
Cupid's Arrow is available with Noble Romance Publishing! Purchase your copy here:
Learn more about Angela Nichelle at her website: or blog:!
Whispered by Gracen Miller at 12:00 AM 11 Moonbeams (comments)
Craters: Angela Nichelle, Cupid's Arrow, Noble Romance Publishing
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wistful Wednesday
Whispered by Margay Leah Justice at 8:31 AM 0 Moonbeams (comments)
Craters: inspiration, Margay Leah Justice, on Ellen, Taiwanese singing sensation, what keeps you going
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Tantalizing Tuesday
T.L. Mitchell
Jason and Daniel met in Scotland, while Daniel was working on bio-genetic research. They are both scientists and are employed by a company co-owned by Daniel and Julie’s father.
I turned toward Daniel and he looked to me in concern.
Whispered by Carrie at 4:57 PM 5 Moonbeams (comments)
Craters: Dark of kNight, T.L. Mitchell, The NightMan, Wild Horse Press