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Monday, May 10, 2010

Mystic Monday


Okay, many of you have heard - oh what a fantastic web we weave when we practice to deceive - or something along those lines.

Why do I bring this up? Because I think tasks fall into this category. Seriously.

Here's the deal -
1. just thinking of cleaning makes me want to read
2. Editing (reading something that hasn't been printed yet for errors) has the uncanny knack of making me want to clean.

It's an unending cycle that drives me crazy. I swear it isn't that I dislike editing. I actually enjoy it. So why the issue then?

For a couple of weeks, I honestly had no clue why that would happen. Then, like a brick, the truth of it hit me. So what, you may or may not be asking, in all my brilliance did I discover was the answer?

Well, I've pinned it down to two things and they are in no particular order:
1. I just don't like what I'm editing.
2. I'm saturated on the genre.

There's a simple cure for saturation, read a different genre. I do that all the time. Unfortunately, there's really no fix when you don't like the story you're editing. You have to set aside your likes, biases and anything else that could get in the way and just edit. I have determined that cleaning is my way of clearing my mind of biases and tastes that could negatively effect how I edit something.

So, what about all of you out there - does anything like this happen to you? Do you ever find that you only seem to feel like cleaning a closet that's been messy all year when you know you're going to have company staying with you? It could be any weird and wacky similar type of paradox. How do you work through your behavior?

2 Moonbeams (comments):

Molly Daniels said...

What motivates me to clean? Hubby threatening to pull the plug on the computer:)

Carrie said...

I wish that would work, but not here. I'd just pick up the laptop and go to one of the several places around here that offer free wi-fi. lol!