Yeah, yeah, I know, I know it's Monday and many of you are back at work and not very bright-eyed or bushy-tailed, for whatever the reason. Well, I happen to be in a good mood because I have something great to tell you!
After months of heehawing, I finally did it, I jumped in with both feet and entered my first contest! But not just any contest, a paranormal fight club! That's right, a paranormal fight club! Terry, one of my invited guests for today, will get to that in a minute, but first, I wanted to tell you how all this came about because it demonstrates just how important your online writing community connections can be.
To be honest, I can't remember exactly how I stumbled upon Romance in the Backseat (RITBS), but I can tell you what caught me while I was there. I think I might have been searching for round robins and I came across the round robin called, "May Flowers". Well, I started reading and got hooked enough to join Ning (another bloggerverse). I started making comments about the story (it was pretty good) but from my other forays into author sites and blogs, I didn't feel any fear about contacting Terry Kate when I discovered a link on her site wasn't working. We developed an acquaintance which eventually grew. I have a lot of respect for what she and the other ladies do at RITBS because it's a huge site to maintain and requires a lot of effort. Their dedication to the site is evident just by looking at it.
Then the next round robin started, "White Wedding Nightmare", and I continued to read that and was thoroughly impressed by the effort not only from the authors involved, but from the coordinator as well, Terry Kate. We continued talking and somewhere along the way, she mentioned that she was looking for unpublished authors for a contest. I was so comfortable with myself by this point that I said, "That would be cool! I would love to compete, if you want me, that is." Okay, maybe not as comfortable as I first thought, but comfortable enough to jump at the chance to compete in a competition.
But, as I said before, this isn't just your regular old writing competition, it's a paranormal fight club! [Okay, I wish I had some cheesy music to play right here, but I don't!]
So, what's a Paranormal Fight Club, you ask? Well I'll let Terry Kate you!
First Annual
Paranormal Author Fight Club
Wow what a title! But what does it mean?
Not what you might think.
No large barbwire cage matches with bats and brass knuckles, just eight authors competing for your votes with their writing. Eight authors from all over the world - There is an Aussie - rising to the challenge and going head to head on paper.
October 1, 2009 all authors receive the first paragraph of the Fight Club story. Where they go from there is up to them. They have one week to finish their first pages which will then be posted on Romance in the Backseat for readers to enjoy and place their votes for who should move forward. 8-6-4-2-1 The winner will be announced on October 31, Halloween.
[Watch for a link to the site, so you can cast your vote! - for me, Carrie, hopefully!]
[Watch for a link to the site, so you can cast your vote! - for me, Carrie, hopefully!]
None of these authors have been published before and it is my great hope that the exposure these fabulous writers get here will bring their voices to the attention of publishers and readers alike. Plus it should have oodles of shapeshifting poodle fun.
Hey no one else used that before. I call it!
Hey no one else used that before. I call it!
Terry Kate - Creator of Romance in the Backseat
Here are some of my competitors:
View: Tanya's Tidbits - her bimonthly column with Fresh Fiction
Tanya's Ramblings - her blog
Tanya's Website - sorry, but you must be 18 to visit. Be honest, are you 18 years of age? Yes or No?
After a lot of time working in corporate America, I decided to get back to what I really love, but this time I promised myself I’d follow Mr. Sinatra’s fine example and do it my way. I’ve been writing paranormal romance/urban fantasy ever since. In addition to writing, I work in a public relations office college as a graphic designer.
Watch for updates of more contestants!
4 Moonbeams (comments):
Thanks so much for joining in and allowing the other contestants - does this sound like Miss America or what? - this opportunity - but hey for the readers these ladies bring in make sure to give us your bio!
I am so unbelievably happy you discovered my site! I have made great friends by creating this site. I am still on the search for two more authors so all you aspiring out there feel free to check the contest out.
Terry Kate
Contest Page
Good luck, Carrie! I received a notice on this through e-mail the other day. I was impressed by the opportunity this gives un-pubbed authors. It's a great opportunity to get your work out there in front of viewers and start building a fan base!
And I personally look forward to reading all the entries!
Good luck. This does look fun! Just went over to the site to look too.
Thanks for visiting and checking things out! It means a lot!
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