Interview with Chuck Sambuchino,
Author of How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack

1.When did you first realize there was such a problem with gnomes? What was your first clue?
I was attacked by a vicious gnome as a youngster, though I can’t share the details with you, as it still too frightening to relive. I will tell you that once I was let out of the hospital, with a small scar as my reminder of gnome violence, I was a changed person. Finally, I have written a definitive guide for people to protect themselves.
2. This book, though slim, is very well researched. How long did it take you to do the research and compile it into a book?
The book took several months to write, but I’ve been essentially researching it my entire life. Having the ability to smash a vicious garden gnome to smithereens with a sledgehammer or baseball bat takes years of practice, so indeed I have practiced — and many gnomes have been on the receiving end of my practicing.
3. Have you ever had to face the gnomes yourself? If so, please feel free to share your story with our readers.
I already mentioned my childhood encounters, but let me say that it has been many a moon since I faced a gnome in combat. Word got out quickly that I was skilled with a snow shovel. Once word spread, gnomes realized it was easier to attack the old lady down the street rather than me. I am always on guard. People think that I still fight gnomes in close quarters, but those days have passed. Now I just educate people and spread the word.
4. What do you want your readers to take away from this book?
That garden gnomes are not cute travel companions, despite what their gigantic PR campaign has tried to make you believe. They are dangerous lawn warriors who are responsible for almost 1,000 deaths over the years. It’s madness, I tell you, madness. This book is designed to help people assess if they’re in danger, help people gnome-proof their residence, and help people combat a gnome in close quarters should an attack occur.
5. Is there anything else you would like to add?
Just that the book makes a great Christmas gift for any friends or relatives who garden. You can find it in any major bookstore nationwide or on Amazon. Protect yourself at all costs!
Thank you for joining us today, Chuck, and sharing your wisdom with us. I will never look at the Travelocity gnome the same way again!

Chuck Sambuchino is an editor and a writer. He works for Writer's Digest Books and edits GUIDE TO LITERARY AGENTS (
What I thought: I really enjoyed this book. Though short by today's standards, it is packed with content from the first page to the last - a quick, delightful read. Mr. Sambuchino writes with an ease and authority that makes you forget that you are reading a humor book. Soon, you will be having visions of gnome attacks and will be thinking about putting his tips to work for you. This is a great little book and I am so happy that I had the chance to read it. For that, I want to thank Chuck for providing the review copy for me.
1 Moonbeams (comments):
Thank you so much for visiting with us, Chuck!
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