Please welcome Stacey Espino into the moonlight. Join Stacey at her website where you can learn more about Stacey and her books! Now, to the good stuff…
GRACEN: Do you have a movie that you must watch every Halloween? What's your favorite scary movie? Do you have a favorite scary character or character type?
STACEY: I’m a big chicken! Seriously. I can’t watch scary movies.
GRACEN: Do you dress up for Halloween? If so, what will you be dressed up as this year? What was your all-time most favorite costume that you ever wore? Why?
STACEY: Nope. I don’t dress up, but I’ve always wanted to dress up in one of those sexy costumes for women-only. Maybe I still will…
GRACEN: You should go for it, Stacey! Are you superstitious? Do you find yourself knocking on wood or throwing salt over your shoulder? If not one of these two, what is your superstition?
STACEY: I try not to be superstitious. I like to believe I control my own destiny.
GRACEN: Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you ever had a ghostly encounter and tell us about it?
STACEY: I don’t think I believe in ghosts, but I believe in angels. I could swear I saw an angel when I was fourteen, but I’ll never know for sure ;)
GRACEN: Tell us 3 funny or strange things that happened to you, or someone you know, on past Halloweens?
STACEY: I’m too old. My memories only go back so far ;)
GRACEN: LOL Same here on the memories. If you could be any paranormal creature, what would it be and why?
STACEY: A shapeshifter would be cool. To enjoy two worlds, two selves, would make life more interesting.
GRACEN: Swashbuckling pirates like Johnny Depp are sexy, but e-pirates are not. How do you handle e-pirates in your writing world? Do you have any advice or wish to share any experience with other writers? Anything you wish to say to e-pirates in general?
STACEY: Of course, I hate the pirates, like every other hard-working author. My books are usually pirated on their release day. I’ve learned to ignore it because no matter how much effort you put in to stopping them, it continues. I hope there will be a way to track and stop them in the future. If someone likes to read, they should pay for the privilege.
GRACEN: I agree with you, Stacey! My personal wish is that one of them has something stolen that they've poured everything into. Eps...Sorry for my Karma violence! Now, let’s get to your writing, Stacey…Why the paranormal genre? What was the draw for you?
STACEY: I LOVE reading paranormal romance and urban fantasy, so writing in the genre was a natural move for me. There are no rules that can’t be overwritten, and love can last forever.
GRACEN: If you could describe your paranormal writing with a word or phrase, what would it be? Please be creative and look beyond words like vampire, werewolf, etc., and delve into the core of your writing to tell us what word or phrase you want readers to take with them when they've finished reading your story.
STACEY: Unique demon world.
GRACEN: Do you prefer playing tricks on people or bestowing treats? Does that show through in your writing? If so, how?
STACEY: Okay. I like to trick. I love keeping readers on the edge of their seats as I pull them into my world.
GRACEN: Who decides what creatures you write about, you or your muse? What kind of influence do you have over your story, or is the muse always the one stirring the cauldron?
STACEY: For my Immortal Love series, I wanted to create a unique breed of demons. I didn’t want the usual vamps for shifters, but something different. My newest series is about wolf shifters.
GRACEN: What was the creature/paranormal character that you had the most fun creating and why? Who—to you—was the sexiest character you wrote and why?
STACEY: I love my Fear Demons! They’re all sexy and so different. How can I pick? Maybe I’ll pick Javen from Fearless Love (Immortal Love, #2) Gotta love a damaged alpha male.
GRACEN: Damaged alpha males are always the sexiest! If you had the opportunity to meet just one of your characters in real life, who would it be and why? Which of your characters would you never want to meet under any circumstance and why?
STACEY: I’d love to meet any of my demons, cowboys or wolves! They’re all super yummy. I wouldn’t want to meet Ken, Grace’s ex-husband from SAVING GRACE. He was a jerk!
GRACEN: Do you have a movie that you must watch every Halloween? What's your favorite scary movie? Do you have a favorite scary character or character type?
STACEY: I’m a big chicken! Seriously. I can’t watch scary movies.
GRACEN: Do you dress up for Halloween? If so, what will you be dressed up as this year? What was your all-time most favorite costume that you ever wore? Why?
STACEY: Nope. I don’t dress up, but I’ve always wanted to dress up in one of those sexy costumes for women-only. Maybe I still will…
GRACEN: You should go for it, Stacey! Are you superstitious? Do you find yourself knocking on wood or throwing salt over your shoulder? If not one of these two, what is your superstition?
STACEY: I try not to be superstitious. I like to believe I control my own destiny.
GRACEN: Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you ever had a ghostly encounter and tell us about it?
STACEY: I don’t think I believe in ghosts, but I believe in angels. I could swear I saw an angel when I was fourteen, but I’ll never know for sure ;)
GRACEN: Tell us 3 funny or strange things that happened to you, or someone you know, on past Halloweens?
STACEY: I’m too old. My memories only go back so far ;)
GRACEN: LOL Same here on the memories. If you could be any paranormal creature, what would it be and why?
STACEY: A shapeshifter would be cool. To enjoy two worlds, two selves, would make life more interesting.
GRACEN: Swashbuckling pirates like Johnny Depp are sexy, but e-pirates are not. How do you handle e-pirates in your writing world? Do you have any advice or wish to share any experience with other writers? Anything you wish to say to e-pirates in general?
STACEY: Of course, I hate the pirates, like every other hard-working author. My books are usually pirated on their release day. I’ve learned to ignore it because no matter how much effort you put in to stopping them, it continues. I hope there will be a way to track and stop them in the future. If someone likes to read, they should pay for the privilege.
GRACEN: I agree with you, Stacey! My personal wish is that one of them has something stolen that they've poured everything into. Eps...Sorry for my Karma violence! Now, let’s get to your writing, Stacey…Why the paranormal genre? What was the draw for you?
STACEY: I LOVE reading paranormal romance and urban fantasy, so writing in the genre was a natural move for me. There are no rules that can’t be overwritten, and love can last forever.
GRACEN: If you could describe your paranormal writing with a word or phrase, what would it be? Please be creative and look beyond words like vampire, werewolf, etc., and delve into the core of your writing to tell us what word or phrase you want readers to take with them when they've finished reading your story.
STACEY: Unique demon world.
GRACEN: Do you prefer playing tricks on people or bestowing treats? Does that show through in your writing? If so, how?
STACEY: Okay. I like to trick. I love keeping readers on the edge of their seats as I pull them into my world.
GRACEN: Who decides what creatures you write about, you or your muse? What kind of influence do you have over your story, or is the muse always the one stirring the cauldron?
STACEY: For my Immortal Love series, I wanted to create a unique breed of demons. I didn’t want the usual vamps for shifters, but something different. My newest series is about wolf shifters.
GRACEN: What was the creature/paranormal character that you had the most fun creating and why? Who—to you—was the sexiest character you wrote and why?
STACEY: I love my Fear Demons! They’re all sexy and so different. How can I pick? Maybe I’ll pick Javen from Fearless Love (Immortal Love, #2) Gotta love a damaged alpha male.
GRACEN: Damaged alpha males are always the sexiest! If you had the opportunity to meet just one of your characters in real life, who would it be and why? Which of your characters would you never want to meet under any circumstance and why?
STACEY: I’d love to meet any of my demons, cowboys or wolves! They’re all super yummy. I wouldn’t want to meet Ken, Grace’s ex-husband from SAVING GRACE. He was a jerk!
GRACEN: Thanks so much for joining us today, Stacey! All the best of success!

Blurb for Fearless Desires (Immortal Love, #1):
Delius never asked for his fate, but in a world that placed all its faith in prophecy, he would be a fool to challenge it. He felt like a parasite, forced to live off the fear of humans.
From the first time Delius became trapped in Selina's mind and seduced by her provocative thoughts, he was drawn to her. She was a mystery that turned into an obsession. Yet, for them to have a life together, Delius would have to go against his own race that demanded he fulfill his destiny. One that did not include Selina.
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Blurb for Fearless Love (Immortal Love, #2):
Javen embraces life as a Fear Demon. He has no desire for a mate, or love, until Emma steals his blood and also his heart. His new challenge is to convince the delicate vampire that her bite is erotic, not painful. He’ll do whatever it takes to persuade her.
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Blurb for Two Wolves are Better Than One (Love Bites, #1)
[Erotic Paranormal Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, Werewolf, Bondage] When Ingrid’s car breaks down on a deserted highway, she’s rescued by the sexiest man alive. Though she gave up on love long ago, she’s willing to partake in a one-nighter with Callen, and his delicious friend, Ethan. But it will take a lot of convincing for her to love again.
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Blurb for Fearless Desires (Immortal Love, #1):
Delius never asked for his fate, but in a world that placed all its faith in prophecy, he would be a fool to challenge it. He felt like a parasite, forced to live off the fear of humans.
From the first time Delius became trapped in Selina's mind and seduced by her provocative thoughts, he was drawn to her. She was a mystery that turned into an obsession. Yet, for them to have a life together, Delius would have to go against his own race that demanded he fulfill his destiny. One that did not include Selina.
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Javen embraces life as a Fear Demon. He has no desire for a mate, or love, until Emma steals his blood and also his heart. His new challenge is to convince the delicate vampire that her bite is erotic, not painful. He’ll do whatever it takes to persuade her.
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Blurb for Two Wolves are Better Than One (Love Bites, #1)
[Erotic Paranormal Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, Werewolf, Bondage] When Ingrid’s car breaks down on a deserted highway, she’s rescued by the sexiest man alive. Though she gave up on love long ago, she’s willing to partake in a one-nighter with Callen, and his delicious friend, Ethan. But it will take a lot of convincing for her to love again.
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3 Moonbeams (comments):
Thank for joining us, Stacey! It's a pleasure to have you here with us! Best of success with your releases!
Thanks for having me, Gracen. Lots of fun!!!
What a fun interview. I do not watch scary movies - at least not slasher films - hate them! I don't dress up in costume - I am such a stick in the mud! Love fantasy...but I do believe in ghosts!
Yummy books, Stacey!
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