Review of A Slave to her Passions by Jessica Coulter Smith
A Wild Horse Press Publication
Buy Link: http://www.the-wild-horse-press.com/fantasyscifibooks.htm
Alyson is abducted and taken to Shar, a parallel world where she finds herself caged and about to be sold as a slave. Shar is where the demons hell doesn’t want reside, along with fallen angels and vampires. Adam, a fallen angel, purchases her, and takes her home with him, where she learns to love and trust a man who already owns her. But Adam is full of his own insecurities, fearing that while he’s falling for her, she’s more interested in his friend, Luke, who is also a fallen angel. Just as Alyson is starting to feel safe with Adam, she’s abducted by Lars, a vicious vampire that has become infatuated with her. But, of course, Adam saves her—I wouldn’t want it any other way!—and they return to his cottage to recognize their love and devotion for one another.
This is a short, smoldering read of 71 pages, so if you want something fast and hot, this is for you…and the sex scenes will almost melt the hardwire in your computer. The story isn’t complicated and it’s not hard to follow, so again, another great reason why it’s a fabulous short read if you want a quickie without any in-depth detailed reading.
My main problem with A Slave to Her Passions was that I never felt any fear from Alyson when she was abducted. Even when the story picks up two weeks after her abduction and she’s in Shar, I still don’t feel any fear from her even though she says she’s come to think of the place as hell. With a vicious vampire like Lars interested in her, you’d think she’d be worried about going up on the auction block.
Other than her lack of fear, I immensely enjoyed A Slave to Her Passions and was entertained from beginning to end. The dialogue was believable, the story itself was well written, and was fast paced, never bogging down anywhere. The setting is medieval, with horses as the mode of transportation and I had the sense of a small town atmosphere. A Slave to Her Passions is an overall great read and I would definitely pick up more books by Jessica Coulter Smith!
I give this book 4 Moons of overall satisfaction and enjoyment!
Disclosure pursuant to FTC Rules: This book was received complimentary of the publisher, author or publicist. In most cases at Moonlight, Lace & Mayhem, whoever reviews the book gets to keep the book unless another arrangement has been made between reviewer, publisher, author and/or publicist. Just because a publisher, author and/or publicist provides a free book for review does not guarantee a flattering review. All reviews are the opinions of the reviewer and are never based upon receiving a free copy of the author’s work.
~Moonlight, Lace & Mayhem~
1 Moonbeams (comments):
Great review. This is a book I might be interested in. Angels, demons and vampires. Wow>
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