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Sunday, December 13, 2009


Moonlight, Lace and Mayhem Guest Blog with dark poet E.J. Stevens

Hello all! I am thrilled to be here at Moonlight, Lace and Mayhem. This is such a wondrous and magical time of year and I was very excited to learn that I would be guest blogging so near the Winter Solstice.

2009 has been a very special year for me as an author. My haunting new release From the Shadows was published in September and is now available in both paperback and Kindle editions. I also began work on two additional collections of dark poetry Shadows of Myth and Legend (dark tales of creatures from folklore, myth and legend) and Gears, Steam & Absinthe Daydreams (a Steampunk collection).

I wanted to create something special for you all today as a gift for visiting me here at Moonlight, Lace and Mayhem. I live in Maine and this week we experienced a ferocious snow and ice storm which helped to inspire this poem, The Winter Queen. The Winter Queen has never before been published and will be featured at a later date in Shadows of Myth and Legend. Enjoy!

The Winter Queen

In the dark world of Shadow
During Solstice the Longest Night
The Winter Queen stirs
While her dreaded frost minions
Take flight

In this land of cold and fear
Stands a palace of ice and stone
Where locked deep within
Sits the Winter Queen upon
Her throne

Awareness returns to her
As she tries to open her eyes
Memory and pain
Erupts, but ice seals away
Her cries

The only thing not frozen
Are Winter Queen’s immortal tears
Which sparkle as they
Flow down her cheeks mingling with
Her fears

No one dare enter her realm
No man will ever kiss her lips
For death lingers in
Her embrace, into abyss
He’ll slip

So on this dark Solstice night
The Winter Queen sits upon her throne
Knowing she will sit here
Forever frozen and all

Dark poet E.J. Stevens is the author of the haunting new release From the Shadows. E.J. Stevens is a graduate of the University of Maine at Farmington with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Erica has worked a variety of jobs that demonstrate the human condition including schools, psychiatric hospitals and (*shudder*) shopping malls. She currently resides on the coast of Maine where she finds daily inspiration for her writing.


The Boatman Below

Duck my head
As I enter
The ceilings are low

Fingers trailing
Damp brickwork
Feel my way as I go

To seek out
The boatman
The Boatman Below

Pain darkened stairways
My footsteps echo

Wings brush by
In the black
A bat or a crow

The musty smell
Rushes to me
Fitful wind does blow

These effluvium filled waters
Mix with tides
ebb and flow

Creating the murky stage
Upon which
The boatman will row

He appears with a
Flash of his shark teeth
Laughing demon eyes glow

I stumble to him
In silence
Feeling weak and hollow

His hand snakes out
To grab me
There is nowhere to go

He dances with glee
And sways
To and fro

While he sups from
This chalice
Of pain and sorrow.

By E.J. Stevens
Excerpt from Chapter 1 Graveyard Whispers, From the Shadows. 2009.

12 Moonbeams (comments):

Anonymous said...

Hi Gracen :)
Thank you for having EJ here today & thank you to EJ for sharing a NEW poem here! *fan squee*
Happy Holidays,

E.J. Stevens said...

Thank you RKCharron for stopping by! *hugs*
Thank you also for your lovely comments on my blog regarding the new book trailer.

For readers who have not seen it yet, I premiered my first From the Shadows book trailer on YouTube last night. (


Andrew Valentine said...

Hi EJ--
Love the new poem! It's dark and haunting, but it also speaks of a deep loneliness and longing. It has the power to create sympathy with her, even though she will destroy all who love her. Very powerful.

I also checked out the new trailer for your book of poetry, From the Shadows; it's exceptional as well, and really makes you want to check out the book.

E.J. Stevens said...

Hello Andrew!

"Loneliness and longing" were the feelings I hoped to convey with The Winter Queen. I am so glad that you were moved by this piece.

The new book trailer was a bit of an experiment for me and I am thrilled with the feedback that I've received so far. Thank you for checking it out and for stopping by!


Bonnie Lea Elliott said...

E.J. Does the Paranormal Prose so well. Her words take you to another realm and lull you with extraordinary ease. My favorite poet of the Paranormal Genre!
Bonnie Lea Elliott

E.J. Stevens said...

Hi Bonnie Lea!

I am so moved by your praise. To be your "favorite poet of the Paranormal Genre" is a compliment that I will cherish and hope I continue to live up to. For me, as an author, the most precious gift I can receive this holiday is the positive feedback of my readers.

Thank you so much for visiting and saying hello!


Melanie Nowak said...

Hi EJ -
I just read the Winter Queen -
What a poignant poem! The desolation and forlorn despair of her situation come through beautifully. It really speaks to the lonilness we all feel inside sometimes - as though isolation is our destiny. Of course we can remain hopeful for an "emotional" Springtime in our lives, as she cannot.

Lovely prose.

~ Melanie Nowak
(Author of the Vampire series ALMOST HUMAN)

E.J. Stevens said...

Hi Melanie!

Thank you so much for your beautiful insight into The Winter Queen. I am so glad you liked it.

Thank you for stopping by!

Sheila Deeth said...

Winter Queen's tears is a lovely haunting image.

E.J. Stevens said...

Thank you Sheila!

I clicked over to your blog and saw the frozen waterfall that you photographed. Beautiful!

Thank you for stopping by!

Gracen Miller said...

Hi, E.J.! Sorry for getting here so late. It's been a long, busy day and this was my first chance to sit at the computer.

Thanks so much for joining us today. It has been an honor and a pleasure having you. And a huge treat for me because I was able to read your fabulous book of poetry.

Folks, if you loved The Winter Queen, you'll love her book, From the Shadows!

Best of luck with the book, E.J.! And please keep me updated on the progress of your next book and its release date.

E.J. Stevens said...


It has been my pleasure joining you all today. Thank you!
